NBA Players Remind Striking Works

NBA Players Remind Striking Works

Wednesday August 26th the Milwaukee Bucks declined to leave the locker room for their potential closeout game versus the Orlando Magic in the wake of the unjust shoooting of Jacob Blake by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Thus began the impromptu strike of NBA players as the rest of the teams in the playoffs each followed suit. While much can be said about the organization and planning of this strike–players in...

Chadwick Boseman: A Super Hero

Chadwick Boseman: A Super Hero

News of Chadwick Boseman’s passing last night hit me like a Mack Truck. In a year that’s felt at times like a waking nightmare it’s surprising how surprising his death was for us all. A man of his talent, charisma, and grace was taken from us too soon and it’s a shame. Although he’d packed into 4 years the kind of career most actors would die for, it was obvious...

No One Should Come to the Cookout This Year

No One Should Come to the Cookout This Year

Welp Texans, it is 4th of July and we are still dealing with the spread of Covid-19, now more than ever in fact. As we start our 4th of July celebrations, it is still important to heed the warnings of our state government and medical officials, especially for those of us in the black community as we are more likely to be seriously affected by the disease due to “long-standing...

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner Deserve an Apology

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner Deserve an Apology

“When did we lose our respect for human life? Since when did we decide as a society that instead of saving a life … we would treat human lives as collateral damage?…”, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo questioned in her remarks at a press conference last week where they announced Harris County was now at its highest emergency threat level. Shortly thereafter Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner called for Houstonians to...

Music From the Movement

Music From the Movement

Artists from all over the state are creating, inspiring, and participating in protests as a reaction to the unjust killings of Black women and men across the nation. Much like the music inspired by the fight for civil rights in the sixties, the music released during this time will no doubt become linked hand in hand with memories of the movement. Check out the selections released recently below.

Miss Juneteenth Review

Miss Juneteenth Review

Those who have grown up in Texas might feel as if the characters and town featured in Miss Juneteenth were ripped right from their own lives; that’s how lived in this film feels. Released this year on Juneteenth, Fort Worth native, Channing Godfrey Peoples’ directorial debut tells the story of Turquoise, a mother striving to take care of herself and provide a future for her daughter. She sees a way...